Virginia Sabedra, CCHt.
Key to Success
About Virginia
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Personal & Professional Success Coaching
Peak Performance, Happiness & Self-Healing

What Are Clients Saying?
"I am tempted to wax poetic, but my analytical side says just give the facts. The fact is this experience with you, Virginia, has been nothing less than dramatic and life changing. My depression has vanished, my double mindedness has become singular. I feel I can now accomplish all that I was meant to do and be! The time was right for this journey and it has and is making more of a difference than you and I may ever be fully aware of! Thank you for your wisdom, grace and love."
Byron, Orangevale, CA

"My sincere thanks for your enlightenment over the past two months. My skeptical nature was completely overmatched by your talents and subsequent results. I'd go so far as to say that our session in which you helped me banish my vision of anger was brilliant and one of the more powerful experiences of my life. I'm looking forward to further explorations together and would highly recommend the experience to anyone."
Randy, Citrus Heights, CA

"YOU ARE TERRIFIC! Our work together was enlightening, enjoyable and most of all productive. Since our sessions my work and goals have taken on new life. My focus is sharp. My goals are clearer. I am getting where I want to go. I am constantly reviewing what I have learned with you. Virginia, we will do more together. You are a wonderful teacher."
Ernest, Carmichael, CA

"Virginia Sabedra has what it takes! I had been struggling with a very difficult issue for a very long time, and in one session - not more than 90 minutes, I was completely shed of this debilitating issue. I am forever grateful. And as a fellow healer, I continue to be impressed with her knowledge and skill as well as her very obvious compassion and caring."
Stephanie, San Diego, CA

"I had been having terrible pain in my lower intestines on the left side for a while. I called Virginia and asked her if she could help me. She was very delighted to do so. She and I did a session over the telephone where she walked me through this pain with imagery. It took about an hour to do, but with her patience and dedication, she was able to help. I was no longer in pain. The technique she used was wonderful. It was gentle and very positive. It has been six months and the pain has not come back. I would recommend Virginia and her wonderful techniques to anyone who is open. Besides this, Virginia is a very compassionate person and very caring for others.
Nina, Sacramento, CA

“Virginia, you made my heart glad. Thank you so much for everything! You are truly a miracle worker.”
Diane, Forest Hills, CA

“I found your beautiful web page the instant we hung up the phone. WOW, do I feel special or what!!! To see the words I had written what now seems like eons ago was shocking and gratifying all at the same time. Looking back, I think I may have understated the positive effects of your mentoring. I have been blessed with success beyond my wildest imaginations! I know that without your toutering, I would not be where I am today! I am looking forward to meeting with you next week and doing some more stretching.
Love, Byron, Orangevale, CA

“Your presentation at our Monthly Company meeting was excellent. Your topic stirred interest and discussion. Many of our employees were talking about how to change their negativity for weeks afterward. Thank you again for your time and thought provoking topics.”
R.K. Quality Manager, J&W Scientific, Folsom, CA

Psych I Class Students:

“Thank you for taking the time to come and speak to my psych 1 class. Many of the points you made were new news to me. I never thought that a bad mood could affect my daily performances. Thank you again and take care.”

“I thought your lecture was very informative and interesting. I believe I learned more by listening to your lecture/presentation than I ever learned in fifty minutes before. Currently I’m focusing my mind into various tasks such as sleeping. I’m physically sleeping less but in my mind I am sleeping more. I’ll sleep six hours, when it feels like ten. It’s been truly helpful. I hope to apply this to many aspects of my life. Thank you.”

“Thank you for talking to our class, it was very interesting. I now know that hypnotism is not so far-fetched and it does have a place in our everyday lives. The idea of being conscious of yourself and aware of your subconscious thoughts could be very useful – reaching personal goals and being successful can be challenging. Thank you for your simple examples about how to help yourself.”

“I took your advice about speaking to your subconscious right before you go to sleep. I had a big exam the next day, in a class that I haven’t been doing so well on the tests. The night before the test, before I slept, I cleared my mind, and focused on how well I was going to do on the test because I knew the material. I received my test back this morning and received 81%, a B. My highest grade so far this semester. Thank you!”

(NOTE: Coaching programs and sessions are not intended to take the place of regular medical or psychological attention or care, but are offered as tools to assist with your personal well-being & self-improvement goals.
Always check with your health-care practitioner. Results vary from individual to individual. All results and healings are self-produced through the individual's own self-help and self-healing endeavors).
About Virginia